I was working on a Bible Study this past weekend and as it got warmer in my sunroom office, I took off my hearing aids and set them down (It is not good to get a hearing aid damp). A couple of hours later when it was nearly dark, I went to put them away and could find only one. I looked and looked, even using my little CSI flashlight. (No, I didn't find any strange hair or "trace" in my searching.)
I found it on the floor under a nearby chair, right next to its roller. If I'd have moved the chair a few inches to the right, it would have been smashed. Whew!
I was quite happy when I found it and told Carol, "Rejoice with me for I have found the hearing aid which I had lost." I was reminded of Jesus' parable about the woman who lost a coin and swept her house till she found it and then invited the neighbors over for coffee and cookies (Luke 15). Jesus' parable had the woman finding a coin, and the fact is, even my economy hearing aids cost a gold coin or two. So I celebrated with a fudgesicle!
I always feel better when I find something that's been lost, and as the years pass more things seem to disappear. Have you ever lost something really valuable and never found it? I once found a woman's 2 carat diamond that had fallen out of her ring while attending a funeral at my church. It was lying just inches from a floor drain!
Whenever Carol or I lose something, we usually find it just about where we think it should be. Does that happen to you, too? When Jesus loses one of His lambs (or does the lamb lose Him?), He goes looking till He finds it. Jesus doesn't give up easily, and we all should be glad of that.
Have you lost anything important lately, perhaps a relationship or a job or money even health? Are you still hoping to find it? If you don't, I pray God will help you find something even better.
If you find it, I guarantee it will be in the last place you look.