Dear friends,
I chuckle now and then at how enjoyable life’s little turns can become. On a dry and sunny fall day earlier this month, I was driving to the store with all my windows down. I had turned up the radio to listen to a peppy classical number which I knew quite well. Its energy and bright, melodic theme are always fun to hear.
But as I listened, a certain musical line in it was new to my ear. It was in the correct key, on the beat and tempo. It was fun to hear, almost happy, but new to me. After a minute or so, the musical line happened again, and then a third time.
Then it occurred to me. I’d forgotten to buckle my seat belt and was hearing its warning chime in the music! Antonio Vivaldi a la seat belt dings! I arrived at the store, but left the radio running one more time to hear the peppy new arrangement.
Now before you chide me for not wearing my seatbelt, consider the blessings God gave that day. The totally unexpected blended in; the mistake became a perfect match; the coincidence provided a memorable song, one neither I nor anyone else will probably ever hear again. God gave a totally original gift!
Some reading this and say, “Oh, get a life! If that’s all it takes to get you excited, you need to get out more.” Perhaps so, but recalling that fun little accidental piece brings me a smile every time. That’s getting turned on for good reason. And now I always wear my seat belt!
“We will play my music on stringed instruments all the days of our lives, at the house of the Lord.” (Isaiah 38:20)
Rev. Bob Tasler