Monday, February 26, 2018


         Have you ever had a time when God seemed far away, a time when your faith felt so weak that you wondered if you still had any? Have you also had times when you were on a spiritual “high” and felt very close to God?
        Our Christian faith is not a static thing. It changes often, depending on events that come to us in life. Some times we may feel propelled to the heights, and other times feel robbed of the energy to make it through the next hour. 
        At such times remember that our faith does not depend on our feelings. Feelings can be fickle, whether about people, ourselves and even God. It is far better that we look to what is known in God’s Word, that God loves us and cares for us, no matter what happens or what we've done.
        After Moses died and Joshua had been given responsibility of leading the Israelites, God assured Joshua he would be up to the task. The Lord told him, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
        I have kept those words of promise in front of me during most of my pastoral ministry. Right now I see them every day at the top of my computer monitor. What God tells us in the Bible is true, so it doesn’t matter if we are having a good or bad day. God is with us, no matter where we are or what is happening. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Lord, help us trust that You are with us always.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, February 19, 2018


        Human language is very important. It is the method by which we  communicate to each other the directions, concerns or emotions we have. We use some words often most days as we greet people saying “hello,” or “goodbye” as we leave them. 
        In most languages there are single words that can be used to mean more than one thing, depending on when and where it is used. For example, the Hebrew word “shalom” can be used when greeting as well as leaving someone. The same is true of the Hawaiian “aloha”, the Italian “ciao” or “ya’at’eeh” (yehtaHEY), a word the Navajo people often use both when greeting or leaving someone. 
        Most of us take for granted the words we use each day without realizing their root. “Goodbye”, for example, is a contraction from the Old English phrase, “God be with ye.” That phrase would be nice to hear coming or going, but we use it only when going.
        God has blessed us with languages. This is true because of the words that tell us of His love for us in Jesus. “This is love, not that we love God, but that He loved us and gave His Son as the means by which our sins are forgiven.” (1 John 4:10)  That’s a favorite verse of mine.
        Words may also hurt us, but we are blessed when we use them for good. Think of how you are blessed by words you say and hear today.

Lord, help us use words to build others up today.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, February 11, 2018


        Valentine’s Day is a time to show love to special people in our lives. For those who take this task seriously, it can be frustrating if they can’t figure out how to show that love in an appropriate way. What is the best gift? What’s the best way to give it?
        As we all know, an entire industry has been created to move people to get something for that special someone. The ads usually speak of the “perfect” gift, the “best” gift, or even one spoke of the “supreme” gift to give on that day. Really heady stuff for the true romantic!
        This year Valentine’s Day happens to fall on Ash Wednesday, which is a great day to talk of love, that is, God’s love for us in sending Jesus to be our Savior. I told my wife I knew the absolute best gift, and she asked, “Okay, what is it?” I said, “Based on what Jesus said, I’d say it was to lay down my life for you!”
        Remember what Jesus said? “Greater love has no man than this, that someone lay his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) That truly does tell us of the supreme gift, and we can be ever so grateful that He gave us that gift. 
        But I was really glad when Carol said she didn’t want that gift from me, except maybe a day at a time. So, flowers and a little devotional book, DeepLove, by Lee and Leslie Parrott, will be her gift. We will read those devotionals to each other for awhile. A very good gift, indeed!

Thank You, Jesus, for giving us Your supreme gift.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, February 4, 2018


    Galway is located in western Ireland on the northern side of a huge natural port that is very important to Ireland’s shipping. 
    St. Nicholas Church, in the center of the city, is the oldest church in Ireland. Its church tower not only shows the church’s presence, it also provides guidance to ships’ captains as they navigate their way safely into and out of Galway Bay. For centuries this church tower shown sailors the way out or the way home again.
    We all need points in our life that help us know if we are on the right course. Whether old or young, we always need God’s guiding hand to help us do the right thing. We also then need our Lord Jesus to forgive us when we fail to follow Him.
    Jesus told His disciples in the Upper Room, “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.” (John 16:13)
    It’s an amazing gift from God, isn’t it, to know that in a world of confusion and fear we can always count on Jesus to show us the way? We can be easily blown off course as we listen to the world’s voices. But the Holy Spirit will guide us in the Divine way if we will let Him.
    Jesus gave us His Spirit to help us. We can pray to the Spirit to give us the guidance we need, today or any day. If we set our course by our Savior, the Holy Spirit will keep us on it

Dear Lord, help us follow You in all things.