Have you ever had a time when God seemed far away, a time when your faith felt so weak that you wondered if you still had any? Have you also had times when you were on a spiritual “high” and felt very close to God?
Our Christian faith is not a static thing. It changes often, depending on events that come to us in life. Some times we may feel propelled to the heights, and other times feel robbed of the energy to make it through the next hour.
At such times remember that our faith does not depend on our feelings. Feelings can be fickle, whether about people, ourselves and even God. It is far better that we look to what is known in God’s Word, that God loves us and cares for us, no matter what happens or what we've done.
After Moses died and Joshua had been given responsibility of leading the Israelites, God assured Joshua he would be up to the task. The Lord told him, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
I have kept those words of promise in front of me during most of my pastoral ministry. Right now I see them every day at the top of my computer monitor. What God tells us in the Bible is true, so it doesn’t matter if we are having a good or bad day. God is with us, no matter where we are or what is happening. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Lord, help us trust that You are with us always.
Rev. Bob Tasler, www.bobtasler.com