Sometimes all it takes is one: one point,
one mistake, one person, one answer or one day late. Just one can make it all bad,
or one can make it all good. It all depends on which one.
A week ago, my two teams showed the
importance of one. On the same day, September 16, the Denver Broncos beat the
Oakland Raiders by one point, 20-19, and the Colorado Rockies beat the San
Francisco Giants by one run, 3-2. Today’s games were very different. The
Broncos lost by 13, and the Rockies won by 2, but sometimes all it takes is
God’s Word tells us it took one sin to
rebel against God, and that one sin turned into many more, enough to condemn
the whole world. Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, broke their covenant
with God with just one sin. What people did as a result of that one sin,
destroyed a perfect world and brought death to all.
Centuries later, God gave the world a
solution. His one and only Son Jesus would sacrifice His one life for the sins
of all others. Paul wrote to the Christians at Rome, “For if many died by the
trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and
the gift that came by the
grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to
the many.” (Romans 5:15)
sin by one man brought death to the world. But one perfect life sacrificed once
on the cross of Calvary brought life to all who believe that this one resurrected
man, Jesus, is the Son of God.
one thing or person has changed your life the most? What one has made your life
the best? It doesn’t usually take many things, just the One which is right. God’s
gift to us in Jesus is the one that is always best.
With Jesus as our Savior, “One is Enough.”
Rev. Bob Tasler,