This time of year I usually tell you of an urgent need to which you can contribute your helping funds. We all know of the terrible “Camp Fire” in California which has burned 150,000 acres, consuming nearly 14,000 structures and killing at least 85 persons. We praise God the fire has now been contained, and I urge your help for its many victims.
The fire’s devastation includes at least one Lutheran church. Rev. Brandon Merrick, pastor at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Paradise, CA, reports the total loss of both the church building where he serves and its parsonage where he and his family live. Amazingly, the church’s front cross still stands tall in the midst of the ashes. Seeing it, Pastor Merrick wrote his members:
“This fire is a heartbreaking reminder of what can happen to the things and people of this world, but the cross shows our one true hope in the midst of tragedy that cannot be destroyed by anything. God is with us. He wants nothing more for us than to see Him through the cross where He draws us to the only place His mercy and forgiveness are found. In the cross we see both the ultimate consequence of our sin and death, and the new life we have with Jesus.”
Our prayers and gifts are needed for both God’s House and Pastor’s Home to be speedily rebuilt. Our prayers are also sought that people will turn to Jesus for comfort, assurance and hope in this tragedy. May those who are serving there see Jesus and His cross amid the work left to be done.
Our Savior Lutheran Church is part of the Cal-Nevada-Hawaii District. You can donate to help them rebuild, because insurance never covers it all. Consider giving your gift now at: Or you may send your gift check to CNH Disaster Relief, 2772 Constitution Drive, Suite A, Livermore, CA, 94551. God bless you for your kindness.
May God richly grant His blessings on all those who suffer loss in this fire.
Rev. Bob Tasler,