I saw a Cuyler Black cartoon print going around the weekend of the annual March for Life earlier this month. It showed two snowmen in a yard, one saying to the other, “Don’t be absurd! Nobody made us! We evolved by chance from snowflakes.” Yes, truly!! Who in their right mind would think that possible? But snowmen are merely frozen molecules of H2O. Where did the carrot nose, hat, coal buttons and stick arms get there? By chance?
I’m reading - for the third time - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Zondervan, 1987), a joint work by Phillip Yancey, best-selling author and editor at Christianity Today, and Dr. Paul Brand, renowned hand surgeon and specialist in treating leprosy. The two present a fascinating approach to explaining how the human body works - how the many thousands of types of cells work together to help us walk, talk, feel or process food, as well as repair itself, soothe our hurts, give us pleasure, defend weaker cells, or do a thousand other things different types of cells do for the body. The authors call it “cell cooperation.”
Besides understandable lessons in anatomy, the book insightfully compares cell cooperation to the Body of Christ, the Church, and how indispensable each of us are in that Body. The book also re-affirms how impossible is could be for all these cells to “evolve by chance” as secularists would have us believe.
Acts 17:28 tells us, “In Him we live and move and have our being.” If we humans think it absurd that snowmen could be made by the chance falling of snowflakes, how can we think it’s possible for a human life to appear by chance? That should surely qualify as absurdity.
Perhaps we should learn how we are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made before we accept beliefs that chance evolution solves the secret to life. God has made us with such intricate and amazing bodies, not chance. There can be no other solution.
Thank You, Lord God, for giving us bodies and minds to “live and move and have our being.”
Rev. Bob Tasler, www.bobtasler.com