Billy Graham was one of history’s greatest evangelists. It’s impossible to know how many people were brought to Jesus by his efforts during his 7 decades of bringing the Gospel of Jesus to people all over the world. In his book, The Journey, Rev. Graham shared six personal principles for living which he expounded in 2007. I’d like to share those with you today.
1. MAKE IT YOUR GOAL TO LIVE AT PEACE WITH OTHERS. It’s impossible to do this with everyone in our lives. We can’t change their attitudes that must come from them. The key is to ask God if we are at fault, and if so, to confess it and seek His forgiveness. We’re not here very long on earth, so let’s not waste time arguing so much.
2. AVOID REVENGE. Why be a captive of the past? If someone has harmed us by breaking the law, we have the right to bring that person to justice, for our own good and the good of society. But hurting someone only because they have hurt us is destructive. We can’t change the past, but we can seek God’s forgiveness for whatever wrongs we have done.
3. GUARD YOUR TONGUE. Use it for good instead of evil. Far too many relationships have been torn apart due to deceit or undue criticism. The tongue can and should be used for good, so let’s make that our goal. Don’t let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful to build others up.
4. NEVER REPAY EVIL WITH EVIL. Evil acts or speech are sin that is like a cancer in our souls. Evil comes from Satan who is opposed to God. Why some people repeatedly choose evil instead of good is a puzzle, but God can replace evil and sin with love and kindness if we ask Him.
5. TREAT OTHERS AS YOU’D WANT THEM TO TREAT YOU. That’s the principle behind the Golden Rule. How different lives would be in we actually practiced such a simple idea. the Bible says, “With humility comes wisdom.” we all need God’s wisdom in our speech and dealings with others.
6. PRACTICE THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS. God’s Word tells us to hate the sin but love the sinner. This is the way God sees us. When we sin, we shake our fist in God’s face, telling Him we know better than He does how to live. But God still loves us and that’s why He sent Jesus to forgive us.
May the Good Lord bless and keep you this day.
Rev. Bob Tasler,