Tuesday, July 17, 2007


We all have things around the house we don’t use, but we don’t want to get rid of them, either. Exercise equipment, for example.

A few years ago I bought an exercise bike, one that works your arms, and fans the air as you peddle it. I took it home with great plans - it would help my legs, breathing and stamina, and maybe even bring back one or two of those six-pack abs I once thought I had – and all for the garage sale price of $15! I used it that first day for about 10 minutes, and admired it as it sat there on my deck.

The next day I was too busy to use it, and the next, and the next. In the coming months, I used it a few more times, but began sweeping around it, moving it to a less conspicuous place, but always left it in sight and ready for use.

And even though I didn’t use it much, I felt good just having it. It was a good purchase and was just what I needed. I was sure I would one day use it regularly, maybe when I retire. Well, a month after I retired, I put it in storage. It was getting in the way. I thought setting it out for the trash - but no, I couldn’t do that. That bike was just what I needed, and I needed having it there, knowing I could use it whenever I wanted to. Even now I can picture just where it is, ready for my use when this trip is over. But I wonder if I will…

If you think about it, most of us treat our Bibles that way. We all have one, maybe several, and though they look nice and sit on our shelves or coffee tables, they’re usually dusty and very unused. But they are still there, ready for when we need them! We surely feel better just having our Bible near at hand.

You see, one of these days we’re going to read our Bible, and regularly. And when that day comes, it will strengthen our faith, increase our knowledge, brace up our morals, and make us better people. But right now we’re busy, so our Bibles just sit there. Of course, we will never get rid of them, just because we don’t use them. After all, we feel better just having our Bible close by. We just don’t have the time to read it right now, do we?

When I get back from this trip, I’m going to get that exercise bike out again. And I just know this time I will use it regularly. Now, how about my Bible?

So, how about it? Will you join me?

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