A young minister was walking with an older minister in a garden one day. New in his work of the Gospel, he was struggling about what God had for him to do, the kind of ministry he should seek. So he was asking the older, well seasoned minister for advice. The older man gently plucked a lovely rosebud, handed it to the young man and said, "Open this without tearing off any petals." "That's not possible - I'd ruin it," said the young man. The old man then recited to him this poem:
It is only a tiny rosebud, A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers Is not known to such as I.
God opens this flower so sweetly, But in my hands, they die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud, This flower of God's design,
Then how can I have the wisdom To unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust Him for His leading, Each moment of my day.
I will look to Him for guidance Each step along my way.
The path that lies before me, Only God my Father knows.
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments, Just as He unfolds the rose.
You and I can "plan our work and work our plan," but our life is ever and always in God's hands. Commit to Him each of your days as it comes, and trust that He will show you what way is best. Our path of life will have many unexpected turns and even some potholes. We will meet many along the way who will enrich our lives or drain us of strength. But Jesus is always there to forgive us and give us a new start again.
Let God unfold your life the way He has planned for you,
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