A shopper at the local mall needed a break, so she bought herself a little bag of cookies, got a cup of coffee, and sat at one of the crowded mall tables to read her paper. A man also sat down at her table and began reading a newspaper. She reached out and took a cookie, and the man seated across from reached out and took one, too. She was a bit startled but she did not say anything. A few moments later she took another cookie, and once again the man took a cookie also. Though a bit uneasy at him eating her cookies, she did not say anything.
After a sip of coffee she took another cookie. And so did the man! Now this upset her, especially since there was only one cookie was left. The man also saw the one cookie that was left and before she could say anything, broke it, gave half to her, and walked away, eating the other half. She glared at him. "What a jerk!" she thought, "Some men think they're just so smart!" Her coffee break was ruined and already she was thinking what she'd tell her husband about this thoughtless cookie thief! So she picked up her purse, and underneath it discovered another bag of cookies, the bag she'd bought, unopened. She had been eating his cookies the whole time!
I like that story. It makes me think about how we treat God when He provides us with so much. It also makes me think how often we assume everything is ours. Deuteronomy 8:11 is good for us to remember these days: "When you have eaten and are satisfied, then praise the LORD your God for the good land He has given you."
We often believe that all we have is ours and comes only from our own efforts. The Bible tells us not to forget that it's all from God, gifts we may work to get, but nonetheless are all from God. Every National Day of Thanksgiving is meant to remind us it is God who gives us all we have.
Not long ago famous people all over the world were polled by a magazine with the question: "If you could be granted one wish that will come true right now - what would that be?" There were some interesting responses, but only one response impressed the magazine's editors so much that they commented on it specifically. That response was this: "I wish I could have an even greater appreciation for what I already have."
That's a great thing to wish for. What do you think would happen if each of us suddenly became a more appreciative of all God has given us?
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good!"
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