What is your name? Do you like your name? Would you like a different one? Names are important, and how parents name their children changes with the times. Years ago we based our names on vocation (Cartright, Miller) or location (Aufdemberg=On the Mtn, or Vondenkamp=From the Battle) or relationships (Johnson, O'Malley). We named our children after beloved parents or friends, or names were descriptive of relationship to God (Timothy=Honors God, Micah=Who is like God). People giving such names hoped that person's life would reflect the meaning of the name they gave them.
Today names are often based on sound or popularity. For a short period in the 1960s, American names were merely cute or even silly, but parents now have returned to the more endurable names of Emily, Isabella, Abigail and Olivia, or Jacob, Michael, Daniel and Matthew. Whatever our name is, we hope it will be honored, and that people will think good of us when they hear our name.
A few people dislike their names so much that they have them changed. They hope it will alter how people view them, or even change their destiny. Some have even had altered family names restored to their original spelling, because names are important to people.
Those who put their trust in Jesus as their Savior are given a name that changes their destiny. We are baptised in the NAME of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and we are named CHRISTian, a name that carries the power of God. The apostles performed miracles in the name of Jesus. They cast out demons, healed and taught the Gospel, which is centered on the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus gives life to all who honor Him as Lord.
It is only through the name of Jesus that we have access to the God of the Universe, the only true God who made the heavens and the earth. When we become Christians at baptism, we share in the meaning and power of Jesus Christ. Christians, therefore, should strive to live out the name of Jesus and become like Him, reflecting His love and compassion in service to others.
Our Lord Jesus said, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16) Those who reflect the name of Christ honor Him and help spread the Good News of eternal life in His name.
Do you know the meaning of your name?
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