Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The cactus flowers are blooming in Arizona now. Lovely and fragile pink, yellow, white and red flowers dot the tips of the green and grey cactus pods, and for a short time they make us forget the sharp needles that protect them. There are hundreds of varieties of cacti, from the tiny 1/2 inch lilliput to the 40 foot saguaro. All are succulent plants, retaining water in their leaves and stems, adapting themselves to the desert climate. Cacti are found as far north as Canada and all are native to the Americas though a few varieties live in dry parts of Africa and Sri Lanka. The most common is the prickly pear which has more than 1,000 varieties, shapes, sizes and needle length.

Oh yes, cactus needles! Those razor sharp spines from 1/16 to four inches long that penetrate cloth and skin. Don't get too close! Cacti live mostly dormant lives, taking in water and food when it's available. A mature saguaro can drink up 500 gallons of water in a week during the monsoons, storing it for dry days. Birds, butterflies, bats and bees depend on cacti for food and housing.

I've planted a dozen and a half varieties in my backlot here, gifts of neighbors. A cactus cutting can set down roots in a few months and grow in the hardest of dry soils. But it will rot if over-watered. And for these few short weeks each year, cactus flowers beautify the desert. God has given us such an amazing world.

There is a movie coming to theatres soon called, "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed." In it, Ben Stein tries to show there must be a Divine Power at work in the universe, using rationale and opinions of scientists and philosophers who can no longer explain the nature of life without considering God. It might be worth viewing, though many have already panned it.

People have always panned God, but especially today. We have gotten past such old beliefs. It's all superstition, we say. Evolution explains all things, we claim. But of course it doesn't, not at all. The theory of evolution is based on the premise that all things are adapting and becoming more complex, while laws of science say all things are breaking down and becoming less complex. Seems to me it can't be both ways.

ut with God all things are possible. Belief in God is not complex: He created all things and wants people with Him in heaven. But sin and evil came into the world, so God sent His Son Jesus to take away the punishment of sin and evil. All that's left is for us to trust in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit even helps us do that. God makes all things possible, including accepting sinful people into heaven.

Belief in God is not complex - we just need to get out of His way.

Soon we will be back home in Colorado with its green mountains and spring snow. Later on, we'll have flowers there too, but none as lovely as the cactus flowers of Arizona.

I think I'll go out and take a walk.

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