What are you reading these days? This winter I finished "Fearfully And Wonderfully Made" by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancy, and am currently plowing through "Darwin's Black Box" by Michael J. Behe. Both books were supplied by my science teacher son and heartily encouraged by my vice president son.
And it's about time I did some learning about this. Somehow I got through High School and College without taking much, if any, biology, and reading about biochemistry, microbiology and cell structure at age 63 is fascinating, rewarding, especially since I have the time and interest to do it. Ben Stein's movie "Expelled" helped fan the flames too. He asked a simple question that science has never been able to answer, "How did it all get here?"
Though firmly believing God created the heavens and the earth, I've had periodic thoughts about whether or not evolution has any merit. But it's always been without good information on biology and Darwinism. After reading Brand and Behe's books and turning Ben Stein's question over in my mind, I have no longer have any doubt about the question of "chance." I know enough about mathemetical probabilities to realize there are too many variables and mechanisms for biological life to have come about by chance, without someone designing the process.
If you want to challenge that, read Brand and Behe first. Their scholarship should put to rest any doubts you may have about "chance" evolution. How did it all get here? If it was the Big Bang, who assembled the powder and who lit the fuse? Just how many tornadoes ripping through how many junk yards over how many millions of years would it take to create my Chevy Blazer? Or your little finger?
Some folks answer that God did it all in six days about 6,000 years ago. That is very possible with an Almighty God. Some don't want to use the word "g" word for fear someone might snicker or sneer (Let 'em!). But still others are breathing a sigh of relief to know it's okay to think about a Higher Power. They're not the only ones, inside or outside the scientific community, who know there must be Someone who designed it all.
It's amazing that the Bible with all its simplicity might be right about God being the Creator, just like it's already right about Jesus being the Savior. An elderly lady once said, "The Bible says it, I believe it, and that's that!" She's far closer to the truth than all those bright guys who refuse to use the "g" word.
You really ARE fearfully and wonderfully made!
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