Friday, June 27, 2008


One of the popular movies this summer is "The Incredible Hulk." Though I have not seen it, I recall it from a comic book about a scientist who, whenever he became angry, grows huge and superpowerful, destroying everything around him. "The Incredible Hulk" is a good symbol of how anger brings about the monster in us all.

Anger, especially uncontrolled rage, wipes out common sense and reason. Angry people can impulsively hurt others with their words and actions. Angry people also hurt themselves. It's been documented that thirty minutes of intense anger uses up as much energy as a full day of work. Hostile, angry people suffer more illnesses, high blood pressure and headaches, and usually die at a younger age.

The Bible urges us to "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice." (Ephesians 4:31). Instead, we are to "Bear with each other and forgive as the Lord has forgiven you." (Colossians 3:13)

Though anger in itself is not a sin, it can - and usually does - lead to sin, even the sin of pride. Anger often comes because we believe we've not gotten what we want, forgetting that what we want is not always what we need. It's true our Lord became angry, but He always kept His reaction to it in check. Sometimes when we're angry, we're not sure where to direct it. That's when we can become our own version of "The Incredible Hulk."

Some people get angry at God, while others find little value in that. While we know God can handle our anger, we need to take care not to have that anger last too long. When it's been expressed to God, then we need to let it go. Anger continually re-expressed can be a sign we're stuck in a dangerous rut.

When we trust in Jesus for our forgiveness and believe He died on the cross for us, He can help us let go of our anger, if we just ask Him. The Holy Spirit can teach us how to live and love as God wants, if we just let Him. Living in the Spirit is the opposite of living in anger, for the Spirit gives us, "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control." (Galatians 5:22-23)

Give God your anger, then take the love He gives you back!

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