Monday, December 15, 2008


This time of year for me is frustrating, because I don't know what Christmas gifts to get certain people in my life. Family members often ask, “What would you like for Christmas?” But I think a gift should be something we choose, a surprise to the recipient, something that shows we put thought into it.

Gifts need not be expensive. Cost should not determine whether it's good or right. Years ago I recall an old gent saying he told his family, “If I can't eat it, drink it or spend it, I don't want it.” That's a bit harsh and limiting, but at least he was honest.

There was a time when most Christmas gifts were made by the givers. Today, few people make their Christmas gifts, but some still do. Certain holiday foods, crafts, or framed photos are always welcome. And if we get something we don't particularly like, we still need to be grateful, and show it.

If you're having trouble with your gift list, here are some “home-made” gifts that only you can give. One of these might be just the thing for a certain person in your life.

++ Mend a quarrel - apologize if you were wrong.
++ Dismiss suspicion and be friendly.
++ Tell someone you love them.
++ Give something valuable anonymously.
++ Forgive someone who has treated you wrongly, and tell them.
++ Thank someone who has made a big difference in your life.
++ Turn away anger with a soft answer.
++ Thank all the store clerks who serve you.
++ Visit someone in a nursing home.
++ Tell a child the story of the first Christmas.
++ Be especially kind to someone with whom you work.
++ Give Christmas cookies, especially ones you've made.

Gift-giving at Christmas began when God gave us His Son Jesus to be our Savior from the curse of sin. Jesus is the perfect gift - we all need Him, and we need never return him for another size. So whatever you give, do it as God has given to you in Christ, without obligation, or reservation, or hypocrisy.

And give it with love!

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