It was many years ago, the day after yet another snowstorm, and the Kindergarten teacher was busy helping children put on their winter clothes for recess. The teacher said, "By the end of winter, you will all be able to put on your own clothing, even your boots." It was a statement more of hope than confidence.
One little girl struggled into her itchy hand-me-down woolen coat but couldn't manage her boots. She handed them to her teacher and stuck out her foot. After much wiggling and pushing, the teacher managed to get the first boot on, and then the second one. "They're on the wrong feet." the girl announced. So teacher went through the joyless task of putting them on the right feet.
"These aren't my boots, you know," the little girl said. As teacher pulled the offending boots from those little feet, she still managed to look hopeful and interested. Then the girl said, "These are my brother's boots - my mother makes me wear them, and I hate them!" Somehow the teacher called on her patience and gave another smile as she put the boots back on again. With a great sigh of relief, she said, "Now, where are your mittens?" The girl said, "I didn't want to lose them, so I stuffed them into the toes of my boots!"
2009 may have moments like this. People will frustrate us and try our patience and ask us again to do things, often the hard way. Life will have its struggles in 2009 and in such times we need to recall why we do them. It's part of our work and we need to work, for payday and also for purpose. People may frustrate us, but maybe we are frustrating some others. We need to try doing the helpful thing, the right thing.
If we're not sure what is helpful or right, then we need to ask the Lord for patience and guidance. God is patient and will help us - we can be sure of that. As you ask Him, be hopeful. Maybe this year you'll solve that impossible problem, or find the right person for work or friendship, or put on the boots correctly the first time.
Two millennia ago today Mary and Joseph had been parents just one week. Jesus was their first child, they were in a strange town, and Joseph needed to find work. But they must have remembered the visit of the angel, the one who had said to each of them, "Fear not!"
It was the same angel who told the shepherds, "Fear not!" and the same angel who told the disciples at the empty tomb, "Fear not!" It was the words of Jesus to Mary at the tomb, "Fear not!" He is the One who opens to us the gates of heaven by His love. Today we know the baby grew up and saved us, and we rejoice in Him.
"FEAR NOT" for behold, I bring you good news of great joy... Unto you is born a Savior, Christ the Lord!"
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