Saturday, July 4, 2009


Today is the Fourth of July, America's Independence Day, a day we celebrate God's gift of liberty. American liberty was declared 233 years ago by a Congress of patriots. It was won by an army of volunteers against the greatest army in the world. The Declaration of Independence was only the beginning; maintaining liberty ever since has come by our people standing for it and fighting when necessary. Human liberty must be declared and won by every generation.

But will America keep its liberty? Is there a generation that will forfeit this great gift? There are those today who believe this goal is naive and no longer valid, that world and planetary problems dictate scaling back of human freedom for the good of all.

If such a thing would happen, it would mean the end of human liberty. Will there yet arise a new generation which will turn the hearts of its countrymen back to the ideals of those who gave us American liberty in 1776? Or will we turn our backs while others chip away at it until it is gone forever?

Liberty is a goal of mankind, not of America alone. It belongs to all who enjoy freedom in any part of the world, and it belongs to all nations that will yet serve Him. As we reach back into the records of history to observe the hand of the God, the Great Author of all liberty, we will find direction for the days ahead and discover the keys we need to deal with the future.

Independence Day is day of remembering. We must never forget the past, and must keep teaching our children what has gone before. Forgetting the past, insisting it has no place in today's education, is the first step is forfeiting liberty. There is a great deal at stake today. As we look to that which led to our nation's founding, let us all appreciate what liberty cost those who earned it for us. We cannot neglect the present and still hope to enjoy in the future the blessings of the past.

Liberty was purchased by courage, self-sacrifice, and unceasing vigilance. Only by these virtues can we hope to keep our liberty in future days to come. We must, by God's grace, be as determined to protect our liberties as our forefathers were to win them. We might begin by memorizing the words of St. Paul, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1).

Thank You, O Lord, for Your gift of freedom, today and always!

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