Have you ever said, "Don't judge a book by its cover?" Today I am saying it, especially regarding two books, "Conversations with God" and "Conversations with God for Teens," by Neale D. Walsch, both of which have been on the New York Times best seller list. They may sound harmless, but their titles are very misleading.
In these two books the author poses questions and then gives answers as if they are from God. But these so-called conversations are mere setups to trumpet the personal opinions of the author. And the answers he gives usually go directly against the teachings of the Bible.
For instance, one question: "Why am I a lesbian?" Answer? She was born that way just as she was born right-handed, with blue eyes, etc. Then "god" tells her to go out and celebrate her differences. Another question: "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I am living in sin. Should I marry him?" The author's reply is "No! And who are you sinning against? Not me, because you've done nothing wrong." It's certain many youth or adults will gladly take these answers as being the truth.
Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply: "I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong, and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, 'Judge not lest ye be judged'." Obvious false doctrine, even using Bible to back it up, something Satan did two thousand years ago in his temptation of Jesus.
These books have been sold to school children through The Scholastic Book Club, which is interesting since it's doubtful the Bible or any truly Christian book would ever be sold by TSBC. Most schools encourage the purchase of books through such clubs, so parents need to check carefully what is being peddled to their children. They also need to know what they're getting these days on TV, iPod and internet. The devil, the world and the flesh constantly try to turn them away from God's truth.
Our world may seem improved in some ways, but it never stops getting filled with deceit. We all, youth and adults, need to be sober and vigilant, because the Evil One, "roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). And since lions hunt the slowest, weakest and youngest of the herd, we all must be ever vigilant on their behalf.
Dr. James Dobson and I heartily agree with this message!
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