As the old year closes and a new year of promise approaches, you may be wondering if there is a valuable Christian ministry you might support. I recommend "Shepherd's Canyon Retreat" of Scottsdale, AZ.
Shepherd's Canyon Retreat is dedicated to the restoration of wounded church workers and their spouses. Four couples (8 people, as singles are also welcome) come together for eight days of healing through prayer and the guidance of God's Word under the care of two Christian therapists and a Lutheran chaplain. While this ministry is Lutheran-based, people from other denominations are also welcomed.
If you know of a hurting church worker (pastor, DCE, teacher, missionary, youth worker) who could benefit from Shepherd's Canyon Retreat, please direct them to or suggest they call 800-783-3079. The next Shepherd's Canyon Retreat is scheduled for February 16-24, 2010, and I will be present as the Lutheran Chaplain. There are still three openings for that retreat.
If you are interested in becoming a Shepherd's Canyon Retreat "Prayer Partner", please Email Director Dave Anderson at
You can help a church worker attend Shepherd's Canyon Retreat with a tax deductible gift, sending it to P.O. Box 51510, Phoenix, AZ, 85076. If you have any question about this ministry, including upcoming retreats, please contact Dave Anderson.
Thanks be to God for those who are willing to help heal wounded workers.
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