Monday, June 21, 2010


We do not always know the effect we have on other people, and we certainly do not know what the future holds. But we can be sure of this: God has a plan for you, and it's a good plan. His plan for your life may involve some struggle, but it is for your benefit. You will need to trust God, and let Him do His work. As the saying goes, we should "Let go and let God", meaning stop trying to do everything yourself and let God do the amazing things in your life that only He can and will do.

In 1850 John Egglen went to church in a hard snowstorm. He was the newly elected deacon in his rural England church, so he went to open the building. But it had snowed so much that only about a dozen people showed up. Even the pastor was snowed in and couldn't come. The few people there talked of going home, but John said, no, they'd come for worship and so he would lead it.

John had never led worship before, so he had them sang a hymn or two. John then read from the Bible and talked about Jesus. In the group was a fourteen year-old boy named Charles. Deacon John preached only about 10 minutes and didn't quite know how to end his message, until he finally looked right at the boy and said, "Young man, look to Jesus. Look, look, look to Jesus!" Later as an adult that boy wrote, "I did look, and a cloud on my heart lifted, the darkness rolled away, and at that moment I saw the sun."

That boy was Charles Haddon Spurgeon, who became England's greatest preacher. Did Deacon John knew what he did? No. Did God know what He was doing? Yes! God had a plan, a good plan. Spurgeon's life wasn't easy, but his powerful sermons about the Lord Jesus changed the hearts of many thousands, perhaps millions of people during his lifetime. Praise God that He does such things among ordinary men.

Let go and Let God!

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