Tuesday, September 14, 2010


During the past week, tragic events may have given us cause to look at our own life. The anniversary of 9-11-01, as well as the nearly two hundred homes destroyed by fires in Colorado and California should make us consider what we value. Houses, skyscrapers and even nations can be rebuilt, but not lost human lives. 

In southern Germany near Heilbronn is the city of Weinsberg whose main attraction is the ruins of a medieval castle, named "Weibertreu." How this ancient castle got its name is a true story of courage, love and understanding of what is important.

In AD 1140 the Weinsberg Castle was besieged by the army of King Welf, and the Staufers who possessed the castle eventually had to surrender. According to recorded history, the king planned to kill all the Staufer men, but he granted the women and children of the castle free departure, and they were allowed to take with them whatever they could carry on their backs. Although the castle contained great riches, when the castle gate opened, the conquering army saw the women of Weinsberg carrying, not jewels and gold on their backs, but their men. 

So moved was the King by the sight of these women carrying husbands, brothers and neighbors, that he adhered to his word and let them pass. These women became known as "treue Weiber" ("loyal wives"), and the castle ruins of Weibertreu are still today a reminder of those who value human life above riches.

If a wild fire was coming and you had only a short time to leave your home, what would you take with you? What would pack in your car? Hundreds of people recently had to make such decisions. In these shakey times of terrorism, unemployment, shakey economy and political chaos, each of us ought to take stock of what is important in our life, and give thanks for it. 

Thanks be to God that we have the unshakeable things of God that cannot be taken from us - His grace, faith and forgiveness. Thanks be to Jesus Christ that He carries us on His back past our enemies and into a life of peace and joy with Him. 

"O Give Thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever." (Psalm 107:1)

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