Tuesday, January 11, 2011


As we consider the sad events of the past weekend, I'd like us to look back at history. In February, 1504, Christopher Columbus was in a bad way. In the course of his fourth visit to the New World, his badly leaking ships left him stranded on today's island of Jamaica. The inhabitants, initially hospitable, had grown hostile at the crew's transgressions, and had threatened to cut off the crew's food supply.

While consulting the Ephemerides, charts that show the positions of astronomical objects at given times, Columbus realized that astronomers had predicted a lunar eclipse that would be visible in a couple of days. The day before the eclipse, he told the local leaders that if they didn't change their minds, the moon would disappear from the sky. They scoffed at his claim, but when the eclipse occurred, just as he had predicted, they relented and gave him food. His ships and crews were rescued and returned to Spain in November, but Columbus never returned to the New World.

Some might call Columbus' actions deceitful, but most would say he did what was needed to save the lives of his crews. We should always seek to do the right, realizing that many of the actions and choices we must take in life involve risk and even deceit. A desperate parent will do things for family that (s)he might otherwise condemn (i.e. Rebekah, mother of Jacob and Esau). Life is not always a clear choice between right and wrong; sometimes it is the lesser of two evils. This is because of our fallen state, the sinfulness of all mankind everywhere. That is why we need a Savior sent by a holy God to rescue us from the tangles we make in life.

The many complex situations we face in the world today - worldwide immigration, the right of self-defense, freedom of speech, and compassion for those in need (to name only a few) - all require wise choices, as well as resources that are often more than we are able to provide. Such complexities should move us to trust in God and seek the counsel of His Word. To rely only on human wisdom at such a time is truly foolhardy. We need God to show us the way.

I pray our civil and church leaders will seek the Lord's guidance as they act, because human wisdom alone will not solve what lies before us. I don't think things are going to get better in this world, so it would be wise for us all to, “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6)

Let us turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on us.

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