We never know what effect our small acts of faith may have on others or even on the future. In John 6, Jesus had been teaching to a huge crowd in a remote area, and during a break His disciples told Him He should send them away because they were hungry and needed to find their own food. Jesus said, "You give them something to eat." They were shocked and said they didn't have money enough. All they could find was five small loaves of bread and two dried fish. "But how far will it go among so many?" asked a skeptical Andrew.
You know the rest of the story. That little lunch fed 5,000 people with baskets of food to spare because it was blessed by the hands of Jesus. The now-famous lunch probably came from a small boy who heard the disciples saying they had no food and so offered them what little he had. Lest you think you don't have much to offer Jesus, consider this:
Edward Kimball, a Boston Sunday School teacher, decided to visit a young man in his class to tell see if he knew Christ. That visit led to the conversion of young Dwight L. Moody. Moody became the most famous evangelist of the 19th century, and had a major impact on evangelist Wilbur Chapman. Chapman shared his faith with Billy Sunday who received Jesus, joined his campaign and helped lead thousands to Christ. Sunday launched his own national ministry with great results in cities like Charlotte, North Carolina. At one of his revivals, Sunday was assisted by evangelist Mordecai Ham who invited a young man there to receive Jesus as His Savior. That young man was Billy Graham, the most prominent world evangelist of the 20th Century.
If you think you don't have much to offer, remember Edward Kimball, a teacher who spent an afternoon witnessing to a young man from his class. God has a special way of using our small, even routine, acts of faithfulness to accomplish great things.
What small act for others might you do today?
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