Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Do you "Jumble?" Every day most newspapers in the comics section will have a list of scrambled words, and the game is to unscramble them. That's called Jumbling, and I do it almost every day now. At first unscrambling even one word took awhile, but with practice I learned to do them more quickly. Most times now I can unscramble all four words in about a minute. Jumbling keeps my mind alert, and Carol says I need that. 

Of course, there's that "impossible" word, at least until the solution becomes clear. Then I'm surprised how obvious that word was. It was so simple - how could I have missed it? I've also found that jumbled words are easier to solve if you put the letters in a circle. Little helps can solve big problems.

Often our life can seem jumbled. We can see the parts, but they don't make sense. We may believe there's a solution, but we can't see its purpose or meaning. That's when we need a little help (nd I don't mean a computer "unscrambler"- that's only for emergencies).

A jumbled life makes more sense if we look into the Bible. There the solution becomes more obvious if we will trust Him and His Word. God may not give us a clear answer, but His Word guides us to make more correct decisions or actions. I've found the more I seek God's Word and ways, the more clear life's solutions become. 

Some problems are always going to jumble our lives, because they may well be impossible to solve this side of heaven. We will always make mistakes, so we will always need God's forgiveness. The most obedient Christian can still stumble and fall down, usually when (s)he is self-satisfied and least expecting it.

But we don't need to stay down. When we fall, God or His people can lift us up again, dust us off and point us in the right direction if we will let them. That's why the Bible tells us, "God's Word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path." (Psalm 119:105)

Please show me the way, Lord!

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