Monday, March 19, 2012


Many years ago a man and his wife took their young son to a circus that had come to their midwestern town. It was a small, run-down affair with a few mangy "wild" animals, some skinny horses, an old elephant and some plywood booths set up around the main tent. There for a few quarters people could pop a balloon with a dart, ring the bell with a big hammer and win a cigar, or loop a bottleneck with a wooden ring and win a trinket.

Under the "Big Top" people in the stands watched several acts in its one center ring. Near the end of the show, the trapeze flyer climbed the steps high up to the top of the tent and began swinging on her trapeze. This "lovely lady" swung out, let go, turned a summersault in the air and was caught. The catcher swung her back to her platform, and they repeated the act a few more times. The daring lady on the flying trapeze was the high point of the show and certainly got the most applause.

The young boy thought she was amazing, and on the way home told his Dad she was the star of the show. But his Dad said, "I think the catcher was the star. Good thing he didn't drop her!" His mother added, "God is like that with us, son. We have lots of ups and downs in life, even some scary loops. But in the end, God is there to catch us and bring us safely to heaven."

Life is indeed a risky business filled with twists and turns. Jesus once told His disciples, "I am going to prepare a place for you, and I will come again to take you there, so that you can be with me forever." (John 14:1-3). So be encouraged. Jesus the Divine Catcher is waiting to bring you safely home.

Here I come, Jesus, catch me!

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