Monday, May 14, 2012


Just before returning from Arizona, Carol and I drove out into the desert to see the giant Saguaro cacti in bloom. Native only to the Sonora Desert, the Saguaro is the largest of all cacti, growing up to 50 feet high, weighing up to two tons, and living 150-200 years. It can only start to grow from seed, unlike most other cacti which can take root from parts just stuck in the ground.

The Saguaro uses desert moisture wisely and thrives where others will perish. Its large white blossoms open on top of the cactus arms, and when pollinated become juicy red fruit for birds and animals. They can also be prepared in special dishes by the Tohono O'odham (People of the Desert), a native American tribe of the Sonora.

A few years ago, the Desert People built a casino in Maricopa. Their relatives, the Akimel O'odham (People of the River), built a casino just south of Phoenix. I recently wrote of how some things are not what they seem, which is especially true of a casino. People go in thinking they will be winners, but they end up losers. It is a rare casino visitor who comes away winning more than was spent. Most stay until all their gambling money is gone.

Some will say, "No problem - it's just a for fun."" I personally believe life would be better without casinos. Yet, if you enjoy gambling for fun, go ahead - it's your choice. But if you think you will come out a winner, think again.

St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:23, "All things may be lawful, but not all things are helpful, and not all lawful things build you up."(paraphrased). Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should. Legal or lawful actions still need right motives and purposes.

All our blessings come from God, and He wants us to be good stewards. A good steward works hard to earn a living, investing wisely, and using what has been given to help others in the best way.

May God move us all to be good stewards of what we've been given.

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