Tuesday, January 7, 2014


January 6 is Epiphany Day, the day Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate the birth of the Savior Jesus and also recall the visit of the Magi from the east who came to see the baby.

There is an old story about the star in the east, that when it had finished its task of directing the Magi to the baby, it fell from the sky and dropped into the city well in Bethlehem. According to some, that star can still be seen by looking into the well, and the hearts of people who see it will become pure and clean.

Legends about the Magi are plentiful. People once believed there were twelve Wise Men, but now most believe there were three, based on their number of gifts. Legend even has named them: Old Melchior had a full beard and gave the gift of gold; Balthasar was younger and gave the baby myrrh; beardless young Casper gave the gift of frankincense.

Another legend says that after seeing the baby, the Magi continued on to Spain, telling people of the newborn King. Legends often add color to true stories that don't need it. Sometimes legends become so colorful they make the true story seem unbelievable. Today we don't need anything more that makes the Bible seem like a book of legends.

The Bible is God's Word, and it stands on its own. It needs no proof or justification. God offers salvation to the world through His Only Son born in Bethlehem. The baby grew to become the Savior, and all who believe in Him will benefit eternally from His work of salvation.  

Years ago on January 6, we made the first contacts to begin a new church in a town which had a forty foot lighted star high on a hill. We named it Epiphany Lutheran Church. In our eight years there, the star guided over 400 wise men, women and children to join our new congregation. I thank God for all who still seek and worship the King of kings.

 "We have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him." (Matthew 2:2)

Wise men and women still come to worship Him!

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