Monday, April 6, 2015


Dear Friends,
         On December 17, 1944, 21 year-old Lt. Hiroo Onoda left for the Philippines to join his fellow Japanese soldiers in fighting the Allies. Onoda was given orders to lead his platoon in guerilla fighting, and he was ordered not under any circumstances to surrender or to take his own life. To the last man, he was to command and keep fighting the enemy. Lt. Onoda took those orders more literally than any commander could have given them.
        When the Japanese surrendered on August 15, 1945, Lt. Onoda's work was over, but he refused to believe it and continued guerilla warfare, even when all but a few of his men were killed. In the ensuing years when leaflets were dropped several times saying the war was over, Onoda believed it a hoax and never came out of hiding.
        Finally, in 1974, 51 year-old Lt. Onodo, lone survivor of his platoon, came out of the jungle and surrendered to his former commanding officer. He was pardoned by Philippine Pres. Marcos for killing 30 people and wounding nearly 100 others during his extended warfare. It took Lt. Hiroo Onoda 30 years to believe that World War Two was actually over.
        When Jesus said, "It is finished!" His work as Savior was over. Some of His disciples didn't believe it, but in the coming weeks He showed Himself alive to hundreds, including His own disciples, and all were witnesses to His resurrection. They didn't all believe right away, so it took the Holy Spirit's coming in Pentecost to breathe life into that faltering group of followers. Without His resurrection, we would have no hope for heaven and there would be no Church. "If Christ is not raised, then your faith is futile and you are still in your sins," said Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 15:17)
        Easter is not just a time to be glad a long winter is over, nor is it the mere christianizing of a pagan spring festival. It is recalling that Jesus rose from the dead and knowing He truly is the Son of God whose death sets us free from the condemnation for our sins. Easter is the Christian's reason to be glad in the midst of life's struggles, and to know God loves and accepts us as His children. God loves us just the way we are, and He helps us change for the better. He helps us open our eyes to the reality of our sin and our need for His mercy, and then helps us live a new life - for Him!

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed - Hallelujah!

1 comment:

Forgot bt password said...

I appreciate your blog post, beautifully expressed and well written.