Monday, October 26, 2015


      This week I am sending everyone on my WEEKLY MESSAGE list an email ad for my three Daily Devotionals. I am sure you will understand its purpose and accept its intent. I send it out now because ordering from the printer at this time will insure prompt and timely delivery for Christmas as gifts.
      I began publishing my writings five years ago and have adopted three principles:  1) Write about what I know, 2) Write with a specific purpose, and 3) Write to a specific audience. My devotionals and other works generally fulfill those principles.
      There is also a fourth principle. A writer writes for others to read his/her writings. The only way that happens is to "market" one's work, and that can be done at many levels of expense. I have chosen to do my own marketing - by email ads, personal book signing sales, or by word-of-mouth. I am pleased so many friends and family enjoy and recommend my works. Keep it up!
      It all started about twenty years ago with the first "WEEKLY MESSAGE" I sent to the members of the congregation I was serving at the time. Except for some minor omissions, there has been a WEEKLY MESSAGE sent out every week to members, friends, colleagues and family since then. Many of those weekly devotions have been included in my three Daily Devotionals. Some also make it into church newsletters, and I think that's great, Keep it up!
      Sometimes my devotions have drawn criticism, and I have come to expect that. I do hope, however, that people realize an opinionated person like myself will let his opinions show.
      Christians have been doing something like that ever since Jesus told us to speak up for Him and the Gospel. Remember His words: "Let your light so shine, that people may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
      So when you open a second email from me this week (and I hope you will open and not just toss it), I hope you will consider ordering copies of one or more of the daily devotionals as gifts to friends and family. Order now and they'll be here in plenty of time for gift wrapping them.

Not only are the prices right, just think how fast your Christmas shopping will get done!

Rev. Bob Tasler

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