Dear friends,
My wife loves to go shopping and I often go with her, sometimes
to help pick out something, and most often to carry what she has bought.
It’s enjoyable so long as it doesn’t take too long. Or cost too much!
A large clothing chain store near us has an annual sale on
January 1 with very low prices, so one year we went. The packed parking
lot told me this was no ordinary sale. Inside we joined hundreds of
eager shoppers as they ravaged racks of tops, slacks, jackets and
anything else men and women like to purchase on sale days.
The clerks at the register were having a heyday. Their hands
flying, removing hangers, flashing price tags over the laser price
readers and stuffing treasures into bags as fast as they could. People
grabbed and bought things they’d passed up before, because the prices
were so low. One of the clerks told me that sale helped make his monthly
sales quota. He wished they did it every month, not once a year.
At one point my wife handed me a blouse on a hanger and told me
to go stand over by a men’s table while she shopped. I was dressed
fairly neatly and the table held several mannequins, so I decided to
become one! I stood up straight, hung the item she’d given me on my
collar and looked straight forward, not moving a muscle. A few people
looked at me and smiled, and a couple of women actually came up to look
at my outfit before they realized I was alive. It was great fun and it
passed the time quickly!
Sometimes people treat others like mannequins. We notice them
there, but don’t really look at them or take them seriously. We don’t
bump into them, but we don’t talk to them either. To us they’re just
standing there like imitation people, store mannequins.
But Jesus sees us all as real people. "Love one another," He said, "as I have loved you." (John 13:34) He
looks at us and knows what is in our hearts. He wants us to trust Him
and rely on His guidance. He also wants us to treat each other as the
valued persons God has placed in our lives.
Today try seeing other people with the eyes of Jesus.
Rev. Bob Tasler
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