“Going along with the crowd” has been a human trait since days of old when hunters discovered a group could take down a large animal faster that one person could alone. Ever since, crowds have gathered to do battle, greet celebrities and push for change they feel is needed to better their lives.
Yesterday Christians all over the world gathered to remember the day a crowd hailed a young Jewish Rabbi’s entrance into a great city. Jesus of Nazareth rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, the transportation of kings who humbled themselves before their people.
As He rode through the eastern Golden Gate, they cut down branches from palm trees and shouted slogans showing their political wishes. “Hosanna” meant “God save us,” and not from their sins, but from the sins of the government. “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” meant, “Blessed is He who will save us from the Romans.”
Less than a week later a different crowd was gathered (NOT the same people, despite what preachers may tell you) to call for the young man’s crucifixion. In both cases the crowds seemed for a moment to have gotten their wishes. Later that Sunday, Jesus knocked over cash registers in the Temple Outlets, raising hopes of His followers that maybe, just maybe, this Rabbi would be The One to lead the revolution needed to give them what they wanted. A week later they saw their hopes drain away on a bloody cross as the Good Friday mob believed they had gotten their wishes. Both crowds were wrong.
People today continue to go along with the crowds. Rallies have been organized over the past months in the never-ending hopes that they could help bring into power someone who would save them from reckless government, terrible past leaders, or dreadful candidates. Modern Hosannas have come to mean, “Blessed is (s)he who will save us from the Beltway.”
Every night my wife and I do something politically different. We pray for God to bring our nation better leaders, that ones He wants, no matter who they are. We’ve always been able to see how bad the last leaders have been, so we lay on God’s heart our desire that He bring us the leaders He wants for us.
“Blessed is He who will save us from the crowds.”
Rev. Bob Tasler
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