The National Geographic channel is carrying a new series, “The Story of God”, hosted by Morgan Freeman, a popular actor who has played a god role in one of his movies, “Bruce Almighty.” I have watched the series’ shows and found them somewhat interesting, and, of course, very inclusive. Surely we want people to think all religions are basically the same, even if one demands the death of "infidels" who believe otherwise.
Surprisingly I didn’t mind this inclusivity until this week’s show about monotheism. There Freeman said that the three major monotheistic religions - Islam, Judaism and Christianity - all believe in the same God. What rubbish! They may all believe in the concept of there being only one God, but to say they all worship the same god is both inaccurate and insulting to all three religions.
Monotheistic religions believe in the concept of there being only one god, but to say they all believe in the same god with merely different names is like saying three husbands are all married to the same wife. All three married men may believe in the concept of marriage, but they are surely not all married to the same woman with different names.
Freeman is, however, echoing what the secular media believes to be the truth, that differing religions all worship the same god. Such a demeaning idea may well be a major presupposition behind the series. Despite the series’ supposed neutrality, it is heavily loaded towards the idea that all religions are pathetic human attempts to help people deal with rough times.
Jehovah of the Old Testament said it plainly in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Again He said in Isaiah 45, “I am God, and there is no other.” There is no equating Jehovah with Allah, no matter who says so.
Praise be to the one, true God that His Son Jesus has shown us the way to God when He said plainly in John 14:6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Rev. Bob Tasler
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