Are you adrift in life? Are you anchored so you will not be lost? A man and his wife rented a sailboat in Cape Cod. Both had sailed before and were experienced to handle the small craft. They planned a course for two days on the Atlantic, but to be safe, they stayed on the boat in the harbor overnight with plans to leave early the next morning.
After taking the short evening trip around the harbor and acquainting himself with the craft, the man dropped anchor for the night, in sight of the other boats in the harbor. Imagine his surprise in the morning when he awoke and there were no boats and no harbor in sight. He pulled up the anchor chain and found it empty. The anchor had come loose from the chain and their boat had been drifting out to sea all night.
A lot of people in our nation and in the world are adrift in life. Hebrews 2:1 tells Christ’s believers, “Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.” What have you learned from the Bible? Do you still follow God’s ways and worship Jesus? Have you remained anchored to Christ, or have you drifted away from Him? Does your life have a chain dragging along without an anchor?
We have good reason to remain connected to God, His Word and His people. The longer we live, the more we should realize our need for being connected to Him. Our life is the boat, the chain is the Word, and Jesus is the Anchor. All three are needed. If we think what we learned as children will keep us anchored all through life, we may be surprised when we find ourselves adrift. The chain may be there, but if it is not anchored to Jesus, who knows where we will go?
Through using GPS, the man and his wife found their location and quickly returned to the harbor where they got another anchor welded to the chain. God’s holy GPS in the Bible shows us where we are, where we need to go and Who will get us there. Because of Jesus, we need never be lost. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and through faith in Him we can all come to the Father.
Who is your anchor in life?
Rev. Bob Tasler
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