Monday, January 9, 2017


        A man realized he had never shown his wife where he had grown up, so they planned a summer road trip that included a visit to his home. During the trip he described to her the house and barn, the garden his mother tended, orchard his father had planted and the huge trees around the farmyard. He told her of the farms and the stream that flowed under a nearby bridge where he had often fished and swam.
        Imagine, then, the man's shock when they came to the old place and found everything gone! The house, buildings, trees, garden and even the farmyard were nowhere in sight. Over the place where he had been born was a field of corn. 
        He drove into the old driveway, now an approach into a field and got out to look. Seeing his emotions his wife said, "Look, there's the stream and the bridge." Yes, they were still there, and so was a neighbor's farm down the road. “That used to be our pasture.” He said, pointing to a field of grain. 
        "I still dream about this place,” he continued, "the house, barn, windmill. In my dream I can even smell my mother’s fresh bread." His wife listened patiently as he described his home, godly parents and other memories. But the emptiness where there had been life was almost devastating.
       Disappointment and disillusionment might shatter a person’s life unless we realize there is something greater, more important than the memories of youth or where we’ve been. Psalm 77:11-12 speaks of memories and God’s presence. "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your wonders of old. I will ponder all Your works, and meditate on Your mighty deeds."
        It’s important to remember God has been with us, no matter where we are in life. When we come to a crossroad, we can either focus on our losses or consider the blessings God has given us. God will be with us in all of life and His unending love surrounds us every day, from youth to adulthood to eternity. Remembering God's good presence helps keep our hope alive today.

What dream do you have of the past? Is God in it?

Rev. Bob Tasler.

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