Monday, June 4, 2018


How much should we plan for the future? That question must weight heavily on the mind of our nation if one pays attention to the media. Countless articles and ads warn us to have enough money for that future big event most of us will face – retirement. It’s almost as if the only reason we’re living now is to make sure we can live well in the future.
If planning for the future is the main reason for living, are we not missing the point of life? God has put us here to enjoy our time on earth and be good stewards of His gifts. He seeks our welfare by faith in Him. Faith gives us peace now and a bright hope for the future.
A man came to Jesus asking Him to judge a disputed inheritance. Jesus not only refused his request, he warned him not to make his possessions the point of life. He said, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist of an abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:15)
We are to use what God has given us wisely, including time to plan for our future. But if preparing for the future overwhelms the present, we’re being foolish. Like the farmer who worked his children so hard that they didn’t graduate from school. “I’m doing all this for their future,” he said, assuming their future happiness depended on what they could earn, not what they could learn.

Lord, help us use what you’ve given us wisely.

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