Monday, July 16, 2018


In our ever-changing world, we are often surprised when something once considered good is now considered bad. Take the loaf of bread, for example. For centuries it was a needed part of our diet, but now it is supposed to be bad for us, and not just due to refined flour. One popular diet tells us to avoid the “whites” – bread, rice, potatoes, sugar. If we want be thin and healthy, avoid those!
In Jesus’ day, a diet without bread would be strange. I think it is still good food, however. And if nutritious food is needed, the other “whites” are okay too, if taken in moderation.
Imagine if today Jesus would feed crowds a meal of only bread and fish. Critics would say it needed more variety, less starch and no salt. Someone might report Him to the FDA!
But what Jesus gave the crowd was life-giving. As God provided manna and quail in the desert, so Jesus fed His people true bread from heaven. They just wanted food, of course, but Jesus told them they needed the spiritual bread that only He could give them. He said if they took what He offered, they would feed more than just their bodies on earth.
He said, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to Me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35) A first century follower would not go without bread. May we never try to live without Jesus.

Lord Jesus, thank You for feeding us Your bread.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

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