Friday, August 31, 2018


        With all the emotion and discussion about today’s politicians, celebrities and professional athletes, there are some good news stories to share. One happened in an earlier time, but deserves to be heard again.
         At the opening of the April 25, 2003, NBA playoff game of the Portland Trailblazers and the Oklahoma City Thunder, a talented thirteen year-old girl stepped up to sing at Portland’s Rose Garden. Although she started well, she suddenly faltered, having forgotten the words. She stood there a few seconds, embarrassed and unsure what to do, when a large man in a dark suit came beside her to help. 
        He placed his hand on her shoulder, took her microphone and together they sang where she had left off with his strong and somewhat off-key voice. Others joined them and by the end, twenty thousand NBA players, officials and audience members had joined together to sing our country’s National Anthem, amid cheers, smiles and probably a few tears.
        Young Natalie Gilbert, winner of a contest to sing that night, went on to become a successful Broadway singer who has sung the National Anthem many more times. You can see her moment at: The man who helped her, Maurice Cheeks, was then Head Coach of the Trailblazers, and is currently Assistant Coach of the OKC Thunder. He was inducted into NBA Hall of Fame in March, 2018.
        This story, known as the “Maurice Cheeks Moment,” isn’t about pro athletes or embarrassing moments or how to act during the National Anthem. It’s about care and respect, one person reaching out to help another in a time of need. It’s about humans being decent to each other.
        Jesus told us, “Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12) The “Golden Rule” has been around for centuries, and some even say even before Jesus, but it’s what we really need to observe now. Today’s environment of bitter distrust, vile rancor and outright hatred shown by too many adults in public, threatens to push aside honest efforts at helping all of us to get along better.
        Jesus’s harshest words in the Bible were reserved for those in leadership, prideful, educated people who should have known better. I wonder what He would say to us today. For those of us in need, faltering wherever we are, He stands next to us, His strong hand on our shoulders, forgiving, encouraging and showing us a better way.

Lord, help us be less bitter and more caring.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Thursday, August 23, 2018


        I have often read that most scientists believe planet Earth is nothing special, and that there are millions of other Earth-like planets in the universe, as many as 19 sextillion. (That’s 19 followed by 21 zeroes!) Many of these scientists believe several million of these planets surely contain complex life as we know it – with intelligent human-like beings, animals, plants, birds, etc.
        But last week came a breath of fresh air when I read a report that at least three brilliant scientists believe Earth is likely to be the only planet with sentient life (i.e. feel, see, hear, smell or taste) on it. About a month ago, Dr. K. Eric Drexler, Dr. Anders Sandberg and Dr. Toby Ord, released a fascinating study on the “Fermi Paradox.”
        The Fermi Paradox is simple: “If complex life is so common in the universe, then why haven’t we made contact with others like us?” For thousands of years, we’ve made no contact with millions of other supposed societies. Why not? At least three scientists say because it’s probably not out there. Drexler, Sandberg and Ord are nobody’s fools. Neither is Enrico Fermi, “the architect of the nuclear age” and a man central to the success of the discovery of atomic power.
        The study of these three great thinkers concludes that complex life, if it exists elsewhere else at all, isn’t nearly as likely as scientists used to think. Their final estimates hold there is a 50% to 100% chance that humans are alone in our Milky Way Galaxy, and an even greater chance that we are alone in the entire universe!
        But wait! Back in the 1970s, Dr. Carl Sagan told us the Earth was an insignificant pale blue dot among millions more like it. Now at least three eminent experts believe he was wrong. They estimate that Earth is probably the only one with life as we know it. Who is right? My vote goes to the Big Three.
        For most all of human history, people have thought we are alone. Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every of creature that crawls upon it.'” This is one of the oldest writings in human history, and it says God made us. Not millions of other planets with people, just us! Earth is not an insignificant blue dot surrounded by millions of others. It’s where God did His work.
            As one of the earliest writings of mankind, the Bible says God made Earth and all that’s in it. We would do well not to ignore these words. We humans need to consider God’s Earth as a gift and therefore be its grateful caretakers. We ought to give God thanks for planet Earth, and worship Him through His Son Jesus. Besides gratitude, it should be our duty to protect sentient life, and to try to ensure it goes on.
        God speaks to us through people. I thank Jonah Gottschalk who wrote an article in The Federalist on August 17, 2018, which gives clarity to a belief I’ve held during my life.
Thank You, O Father God, for giving us life on Earth. Help us protect it. Help us also to trust in Your Son, Jesus. Amen

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Times have surely changed. A few days after arriving to serve a North Dakota congregation in 1975, I got the a bad cold and went to a local doctor for help. He was glad to meet me, and after checking me over and writing a prescription, he said I could pay out in front. The window lady said, “An office visit is $4, but for pastors it is half price. $2 please.” Wow! I’d never paid a doctor so small. I handed her two $1 bills and she said, “Paying cash? That’s a 10% discount. $1.80 please.” She handed me two dimes change and I was on my way.
It was a big difference from the Emergency Room visit thirty years later when I had a similar problem. With insurance it still cost me $380. Yes, times have surely changed.
One thing that’s unchanged in my years of ministry is my schedule of fees for services – I’ve never had one. Sometimes after days of work, “Thank you, Pastor” was all that’s offered. But that’s okay. I was there to serve and knew God would provide.
And well He has provided. Since leaving home and earning my first paycheck, God always made sure we had more than enough. Prophet Jeremiah had a good attitude. He prayed to the Lord,But as for me, behold, I am in Your hands. Do with me as seems good and right to You.” (Jeremiah 26:14)
His attitude required a huge faith, but we’d like to have a little input into what God does for us, wouldn’t we? Thanks be to God He does with us according to His will, not ours, because His will is always best.

Lord, help me be grateful for all You do for me.

Monday, August 6, 2018


        The children’s song, "Jesus Loves Me", is universally known and loved because it states the simple and profound central truth of God’s love in the Christian faith. The lyrics and melody of this hymn are sung by children and adults of all ages and are included in dozens of published hymn and song compilations.
        The lyrics of "Jesus Loves Me" were originally written in 1860 by Anna Bartlett Warner as part of a story meant to comfort a dying child. Anna’s sister, author Susan Bogart Warner, included the song in her two-volume set, Say and Seal, which became best-sellers in their day. Today these volumes are available online and usually offered free in E-Book format.
        In 1861, Anna’s poem was given its familiar melody by William B. Bradbury, who added the chorus and published it as a part of his hymnal collection, The Golden Sower. In the Twentieth Century, several verses known as the “Senior Citizens Version”, were added. Because they vary greatly, these verses are credited to no single author.
        William J. Niebuhr, lifelong Lutheran church musician and my brother-in-law, loved this hymn and wrote settings of it for adult and children choirs. It was sung, including the Senior Verses, at his memorial service in 2001.

“JESUS LOVES ME” (Bradbury’s original hymn verses)

1. Jesus loves me— this I know, For the Bible tells me so;
    Little ones to Him belong— They are weak, but He is strong.
            (Refrain) Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
            Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

2. Jesus loves me—He who died Heaven’s gate to open wide;
    He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in. (Refrain)

3. Jesus loves me—loves me still, Though I’m very weak and ill;
    From His shining throne on high Comes to watch me where I lie. (Refrain)

4. Jesus loves me—He will stay Close beside me all the way,
    Then His little child will take Up to Heaven for His dear sake (Refrain)

    (added “Senior Verses”)
5. Jesus loves me, this I know, Though my hair is white as snow
    Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in Him. (Refrain)

6. Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in His I'll go.
    On through life, let come what may, He'll be there to lead the way. (Refrain)

7. When the nights are dark and long, In my heart He puts a song,
    Telling me in words so clear, "Have no fear, for I am near." (Refrain)

8. When my work on earth is done, And life's victories have been won.
    He will take me home above, Then I'll understand His love. (Refrain)