Sunday, August 12, 2018


Times have surely changed. A few days after arriving to serve a North Dakota congregation in 1975, I got the a bad cold and went to a local doctor for help. He was glad to meet me, and after checking me over and writing a prescription, he said I could pay out in front. The window lady said, “An office visit is $4, but for pastors it is half price. $2 please.” Wow! I’d never paid a doctor so small. I handed her two $1 bills and she said, “Paying cash? That’s a 10% discount. $1.80 please.” She handed me two dimes change and I was on my way.
It was a big difference from the Emergency Room visit thirty years later when I had a similar problem. With insurance it still cost me $380. Yes, times have surely changed.
One thing that’s unchanged in my years of ministry is my schedule of fees for services – I’ve never had one. Sometimes after days of work, “Thank you, Pastor” was all that’s offered. But that’s okay. I was there to serve and knew God would provide.
And well He has provided. Since leaving home and earning my first paycheck, God always made sure we had more than enough. Prophet Jeremiah had a good attitude. He prayed to the Lord,But as for me, behold, I am in Your hands. Do with me as seems good and right to You.” (Jeremiah 26:14)
His attitude required a huge faith, but we’d like to have a little input into what God does for us, wouldn’t we? Thanks be to God He does with us according to His will, not ours, because His will is always best.

Lord, help me be grateful for all You do for me.

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