Monday, February 25, 2019


        Thanks for all your prayers about keeping rain away from last week’s Best Practices in Ministry Conference in Phoenix. God sent rain anyway, which was greatly needed in the desert. About 2,500 hardy souls braved the chilly and soggy 40 degree days to learn new ways and meet new friends in ministry in our congregations, schools and organizations which share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And it was all free. The speaker sessions and tons of food cost the attendees nothing. Wow!
        Despite the wet chill, there were many smiles, an abundance of food and much laughter. Nearly all who came said it was better weather than what they’d left back home. But it was chilling being outside for two days. In my younger days, I’d have quickly shaken it off, but it was Sunday noon before I finally warmed up. 
        I commend Pastor Jeff Schrank and the hundreds of volunteers from Christ Church-Lutheran, as well as their church and school staff for all their effort. Their dedication to hosting this event and helping bring new ideas, directions and methods to 2,500 attendees from the hundreds of congregations and organizations they represented. I can attest there were a couple of hundred folks, young and old, who were exhausted from being on their feet and giving aid to all who came.
        It was great to be there among the members of the Body of Christ. St. Paul wrote, Now you are the Body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27). Again Paul said, “Christ Himself gave the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up.” (Ephesians 4:11-12)
        The Body of Christ is a marvelous creation of the Holy Spirit. It’s living parts bring their skills and dedication, energy and faith to help share the Good News of Jesus Christ. There is much news in the world, some of it good and most of it bad. But there’s no better news than Jesus, the Word of God in the flesh who gave His life for us that we might give God’s Good News and hope to a world struggling to find hope and understand its purpose. 
        All of us believers can share the hope we have in Jesus. May we all be encouraged by the hope we also need, as we live out each day.

Thank You, Lord, for all the people and all the rain!

Rev. Bob Tasler, 

Monday, February 11, 2019


        I had an MRI this morning to see why my neck has been so stiff and sore. It’s not easy remaining still for those 15-20 minutes, but it is possible. If you ever have an MRI, close your eyes during the entire test. Don’t open them until it’s over. I’ve found that’s the best way to deal with claustrophobia.
        Stiff necked, Pastor Bob? Doesn’t the Bible talk about that and having a hard heart too? (2 Chronicles 36:13) I’ll guess I’ll see ifI have both of those this summer when I have a scheduled heart MRI. We can be sure, though, that no matter what tests may show, we are all a bit stiff necked and hard-hearted.
        Are you a good person? What do you see when you look in the mirror? Last Thursday Carol and I were leaving downtown Phoenix when a red light stopped us at an intersection, and a young woman held up a sign to get a donation. It said, “2 Honest 2 Steal, 2 Ugly 2 Prostitute. Please Help Me! ” I chuckled at her honesty and would have given her money had not the light turned green. 
        Honesty is not practiced enough in our world today. “I’m a good person. I haven’t sinned today,” we may say. Really - a good person? Maybe we haven’t stolen, killed or committed adultery, but can we really say that makes us a good person?
        The Bible says we don’t just commit sin, we are sinners. It’s in our nature to rebel against God’s Law, no matter how good we try to be. Following Jesus can help us avoid some sin, but it doesn’t take away the reality of that we’re still sinful, and therefore we need Jesus’ forgiveness. Despite how good we may feel we are, we will always need Jesus. We can never be good enough without God’s mercy in Jesus.
        God’s Word, Bible, says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) It also says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
        Do your best today to be a good person, but always remember you’re only good enough because of Jesus. 

“Please Help Me!”

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, February 4, 2019


        I doubt that whoever first said “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile” could have imagined that American citizens would one day be trying - and succeeding - to make infanticide legal. There have always been some people in every culture capable of being so (confused, warped, misinformed, selfish - your choice) as to treat babies as disposable. But I didn’t think I’d live to see the day the governor of a state would want to make it happen.
        Yet last week we heard Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam join New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in explaining it’s proper and right to bear a child into the world, make it comfortable and then call a meeting to see if it should be allowed to live. Their actions prove once again, “The unthinkable becomes thinkable, then acceptable, and then preferable.” 
        As Georgi Boorman wrote today in The Federalist, “Where is this evil coming from and how do we stop it?” Her article answers her question well.
        Certainly, abortion and infanticide have been practiced in history, but not in America and certainly not among Christians. It’s bad enough that “enlightened thinkers” of the past - Cicero, Seneca, Aristotle, etc. - believed it proper to drown, kill or dispose of children deemed sickly, deformed or otherwise disposable. But some people of “progressive” states are now considering disposal of any newborn, no matter how normal, healthy or cute, as long as the mother and/or others think the child is inconvenient. Babies ought never be considered discardable trash.
        Judeo-Christian morality has tried to save us from this kind of evil. Up until the epic 1973 “Roe v. Wade” decision of SCOTUS, it succeeded well. But “Give them an inch…” is surely showing itself true in most states, especially New York and Virginia. Who will be next?
        Murder, the needless and selfish taking of human life, has always been forbidden in the Bible. You shall not commit murder” (Matthew 19:18) has been and always will be  in the Ten Commandments. But after two millennia of laws enacted against it, are we now to think infanticide is okay? 
        It’s time for moral people to stand against those who would tell us this kind of murder is acceptable and preferable. It’s time for Christians to say, “Enough!”

Lord God, forgive us for letting this happen in our nation.

Rev. Bob Tasler,