Monday, July 15, 2019


      After they were married, Mary and Joe discovered they had a fundamental difference. Mary loved to move the furniture and redecorate their house. Joe was happy with the way things were. An uncluttered home with a table and chairs, TV, refrigerator, bed and a few easy chairs was good enough for him.
      But not for Mary. She added things, moved them around and found ways to make their home more efficient and attractive. Joe helped her move things, but at first didn’t see why this was needed.
      But the more she redecorated, the better their house looked. Soon Joe began to appreciate her changes, and he complimented her and even offered suggestions. In her own way, Mary was helping Joe become a better person.
      God loves to redecorate our lives. If you let Him live in your heart long enough, you will begin to see changes. Pictures of hurt will be replaced with landscapes of grace. Walls of anger will be removed and shaky foundations restored. Cracks will be patched and walls repainted.
      God can no more leave a needy life unchanged than a mother can leave her child’s dirty face unwashed. It’s not enough for God to have you for His own. He wants to change you and make you better.
      Suppose a father buys his little boy an ice cream cone and as he’s giving it to him, notices his mouth is filled with dirt. Father loves him, despite the dirt, but he first washes his child’s mouth, and then gives him the ice cream.
      God does the same for us. He loves us no less because of our dirty faces, but first He cleanses us to prepare us for something better. Apostle Paul wrote, “He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace.” (2 Timothy 1:9)
      The trials, sickness or struggles we have are God’s way of cleansing us for something better. He loves us all, despite our sins and rebellion, and He wants to change us to be better. So let’s thank God for our struggles. He’s preparing us for something much greater.

God loves us as we are, but He may not leave us that way for long. He wants us to be like Jesus. 
Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, July 7, 2019


(from Rev. Tasler's published devotional, Daily Walk With Jesus
        If you have ever faced the unexpected tragedy of divorce, death, disease, or a demolished dream, you probably searched for answers to help you mend and heal. If so, remember these truths:
        YOU WILL HEAL. Things will never be the way they were. After tragedy you’re wounded, but you will heal.  You will not be restored to exactly how you were. No one ever is. The good news is that you can carry on as a wounded survivor and face the days ahead with the hope of recovery.
        LET GOD WORK. Pray for strength, but don’t tell God what to do. God knows what’s best. Trust His loving, forgiving, providing, healing, and guiding ways. Lay aside expectations so you can see His answers. You may reject some of His solutions because you had in mind something different, but remember, your only hope lies in the Lord.
        MAKE GOOD CHOICES. You have more control over the situation than you think. You can’t turn back the clock, but you do have the choice of going under or going on. Every situation can go one of two ways; it can depress you or it can motivate you. It’s up to you. Blaming God, others, or yourself will not help. It’s time to learn from the hurt.
        GOD WILL COME THROUGH, but you must believe He will come through for you. You will be “all right” again. Let your Heavenly Father strengthen you for the struggles. 
        ACKNOWLEDGE THE PAIN. God does not minimize your pain. The Lord is not in denial; neither does He expect you to be. God cares. He has not abandoned you. He is right beside you and has been there all along. He hears your cries and sees your tears.
        LET THE HEALING BEGIN. God is neither handicapped nor weary in the midst of your pain. Nor is He confused or baffled. His strength will deliver you, not just barely, but mightily.  
        “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

In Christ our Lord, you can expect a miracle!

Reb. Bob Tasler,

Monday, July 1, 2019


        I awoke this morning and immediately remembered I had an early breakfast appointment with a friend. There was still time to get there, so, as quietly as possible, I dressed and headed out the door, feeling quite good that I had not forgotten it, which I have done in the past. Trouble is, as I glanced at today’s newspaper, I saw today is Monday, and my appointment is for tomorrow, Tuesday.
        So I set down the paper, took out the trash and made myself breakfast, all the while wondering if I would remember to keep this appointment tomorrow. Ah, the joys and challenges of life! So with coffee in hand, I decided somehow to use this experience in today’s WEEKLY MESSAGE before I watch the news and probably take a nap.
        I can’t think of a single story in the Bible about someone forgetting an appointment. There are prayers asking God to forget our sins, not forget our blessings, and to remember His faithfulness towards us. But no writer seems willing to admit he has forgotten to do what God directed him or what he agreed to. If you can find a Bible story of bad memory like this, let me know.
        But there are many references urging people not to forget God and His blessings. Deuteronomy 6:12 says, “Be careful that you do not forget the Lord who bought you out of Egypt.”  Psalm 103:2 tells us, Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” I have forgotten some important things in my life and ministry, a task or event I missed because I hadn’t written it down, or read it on the calendar or remembered which day (or even slept through it). It hurts when you realize your forgetfulness has caused someone trouble or embarrassment.
        We can take comfort that God will not forget us, but that He will forget our sins. In Hebrews 10:17 God personally assures us, “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” God is not someone we have invented. He is who He is, the great “I AM” who has created us and watches over us each day. His forgiveness means He forgets what sins we have committed, but He will not forget His mercy towards us.
        No matter what happens today, remember that God holds you in the palm of His hand and wants to make sure you have all you need. Give thanks we have His promise never to leave us nor forsake us.
Thank You, Lord, for remembering us in Your mercy,

Rev. Bob Tasler.