Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Independence Day, July 4, is just around the corner, and I think we should make it a summer Thanksgiving Day. More than 100 years ago, the great evangelist and preacher, Dwight Moody, was preaching from the 103rd Psalm and especially the verse that says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits." The person who recorded his words stated that he said with a twinkle in his eye, "Of course, we can't remember all of God's benefits, but that doesn't mean we should forget them, either!"

Today Carol and I drove through Yellowstone, America's largest and first National Park, and there we saw the marvelous handiwork of God. The geysers and mountain grandeur of the place are unmatched in the world. But as Old Faithful blew into the air a hundred feet or more, someone behind me said to one of his friends, "This happens because Yellowstone is one giant caldera, one of three super volcanoes in the world, and if it ever blew, that would be the end of the United States."

There's always someone to remind us of the possible bad in the midst of the existing good, isn't there? We returned home to read newspaper stories of governmental failure, economic weakness and even some church scandal. I think we need to read and re-read Psalm 103 or 23 or 46, any of those which remind us of God's blessings. Like Rev. Moody said, "Of course, we can't remember all of God's benefits, but that doesn't mean we should forget them, either!"

I don't know what you are planning for this Friday's July 4 at your home, but I pray it will include a few moments of giving thanks to God for His benefits. You have a list of things, just like I do. Then go ahead and enjoy your food and beverage and friends or just an easy chair in the evening.

There's a whole lot more good in America than bad!

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