Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I just returned from being chaplain at a week-long retreat/workshop to help struggling pastors. This was the sixth SHEPHERD'S CANYON RETREAT, founded by Dave and Barb Anderson in 2008. It is for the benefit of church workers and spouses, and is directed by LCMS psychologists and a chaplain. Limited to 8 participants, the retreat encourages attendees to be renewed and refreshed in the midst of whatever may be happening in their lives.

It's no secret that hundreds of church workers in crisis leave the ministry each year, and many of those might not do so if they had a place they would go for re-direction, such as SHEPHERD'S CANYON RETREAT. It may seem a bit costly - $4,000 per couple - but consider what it costs to train a fulltime church worker - over $100,000! And all those years of training! If many of those workers now considering leaving could be retained and renewed, God would bless both the worker and the church greatly.

All sessions are confidential and Christ-centered. SHEPHERD'S CANYON RETREAT is for pastors and other church workers, as well as their spouses. Participants review where they've come from, where they are heading, and how they can follow anew the Lord's leading in their life and vocation. People concerned about losing church workers can help. Please visit the SHEPHERD'S CANYON RETREAT website to learn all about their valued ministry: http://www.shepherdscanyonretreat.org/

I based one of my retreat devotions on 2 Timothy 4:11, "Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry." That verse tells us Paul was giving Mark a second chance, after having had questions about his work. In that devotion, I used this theme, "O God of new beginnings and second chances, here I am again." Ours is a gracious God of new beginnings and second chances. He does not wish for one of His children to be lost and goes to great lengths to bring us back, to reclaim us for His own and give us a renewed life.

Ever wondered how you might help a struggling church worker? Urge him/her to visit the SHEPHERD'S CANYON RETREAT website and offer your assistance. Whatever you do, please pray for the work of SHEPHERD'S CANYON RETREAT. The future of the Lutheran Church depends on having dedicated workers and members.

O God of new beginnings and second chances, here we are again!

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