Monday, July 5, 2010


No one doubts that we face stressful times. Changes swirl about us, making us wonder what will happen next. A small but vocal group of naysayers broadcast that America is crumbling. But make no mistake, we are still a strong nation. Though distrust of elected officials is high, though our economy is shakey, though our enemies may mock us, we are still a strong nation.

News commentator Dr. Dennis Prager recently stated why he believes in America's strength. He cited three things, all of which we find stamped on our coins: 1) "E Pluribus Unum," 2) "In God We Trust" and 3) "Liberty." He calls them the American Trinity, though I prefer to call them the Three American Principles.

First Principle: "E pluribus Unum" - "Out of Many, One." America's strength has always been our ability to absorb diverse groups of people and mold them into a single nation. No matter where they come from, our immigrants eventually become Americans. We have never closed our doors to legal immigrants because we need them, and they are part of makes America strong. Out of many peoples, America makes one people.

Second Principle: "In God We Trust." Though some have tried to erase this motto, though some have denied it, most Americans still trust in God. We have not always trusted God well, but when trouble comes and the enemy attacks, Americans trust in God. And it's not just any god, but the God of the Holy Bible, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Despite what some may say, America still trusts in God.

Third Principle: "Liberty." Liberty is different from freedom. Freedom is the ability to live without others controlling us and is enjoyed by individuals. Liberty is sum total of our freedoms, and is granted to citizens by their government. A person can be free and not be a citizen, but liberty comes with citizenship. Despite attempts to make us subject to others, Americans continue to enjoy most individual basic freedoms and, as citizens, liberty. These Three Principles are what I believe Americans hold dear, and what makes America strong.

The next time you pick up a penny, look for these Three American Principles which remind you why we are still a strong nation. Though America may be shaken, it has never lost its basic strength. God has made America the strong nation it is. Our Constitution is a wonderful gift from Him through our Founding Fathers; may it always hold us together.

No foreign army, no politician, and no modern movement will be able to bring down this nation, but citizens can forfeit what we have. We can forget who we are and whose we are. Abraham Lincoln said in 1838, "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher."

May Americans continue trusting in God, and may God never stop blessing America!

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