Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Someone has said, "The only thing we can be sure of in life is that things will change."  Of course, I believe there are many other more important things a person can be sure of (i.e. We're sinners, God loves us, Jesus is Lord), but as paradoxical as it may sound, change is a constant. And with change must come life adjustment. 

I experienced two such changes this week, and though both certainly are not important, both required some adjustment. Yesterday I awoke feeling great and by 10 AM I felt horrible. Now I don't get ill often, but this one required some major adjustment. It literally knocked me down, causing me to sleep most of the day, having chills and being so weak I could barely walk. After a night of misery (also for Carol) I went to the doctor this morning, got some meds, and they are working - praise God! The adjustments were to my daily life, and taking new medicine, if I'm going to survive this illness.

The second change may make you chuckle. In retirement I enjoy horseshoes. I even put up a set of pits in the back yard and practice with them often. However, last winter my right shoulder started giving me trouble, probably from an old High School injury, and this caused me to stop pitching due to increase of pain. Again my doctor came to my rescue, and after an MRI and rehab, there is far less pain now. 

But if I am to continue painless horseshoe pitching, now I must use the lightest regulation set reserved for teens, women and injured old guys. Today my set of GXL 1.8 pound horseshoes arrived - baby blue, no less - and throwing them will require a lot of adjustment. After all, the old ones were 2.5 pounds! But my shoulder won't hurt, if I make the adjustment.

Christian repentance is making important life adjustments. I used to teach my Confirmation students, "Repentance is realizing what your doing is wrong, asking God to forgive you and start doing what is right." And if they did, the Holy Spirit would give them strength to do it! 

In Matthew 3:8, John the Baptizer told the Pharisees, "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." By this he meant make the life adjustments you need to make so you will avoid sinning. I need to do that often every day, and so do all of us. None of us is without sin nor the need for life adjustment. May God the Holy Spirit give you strength to see what's wrong in your life, ask for forgiveness and then do what needs to be done right.

I need a nap - this writing has worn me out. Maybe tomorrow I'll try out my new horseshoes.

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