Sunday, January 18, 2015


Despite the fact that we all grow old in the same basic biological way, we don't all age the same. Some of us remain young in heart longer as our bodies grow older. Others of us find our mind aging more quickly than our body. We cannot escape growing older, but perhaps we do have some control over how we do it.

As she celebrated her 100th birthday, Lenore was asked what was her "secret" for her long and active life. She said, "Laughter, the Lord and Little Things." Each day she said she found enjoyment by talking with people, taking a walk and reading the Bible. She said, "I don't know how long the Lord will let me stay here on earth, but I surely thank Him for what He's already given me."

Few of us may live to be one hundred years old, but we can surely learn from Lenore how to enjoy the days we are given.

Consider laughter. In Genesis 21:6, Sarah said, "God has made laughter for me." She was referring to the delight she had in being with child as a 90 year-old woman. We can find merriment in all kinds of good things God has given us, knowing that, "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance." (Proverbs 15:13)

Then we have the Lord. Psalm 111:10 tells us, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." I chose this Psalm to be read when we were married, and that verse has remained with me. When God is a central part of our life, we can learn and grow in all kinds of ways.

What of the little things? How can they help? Proverbs 13:17 tells us, "Better a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it." Telling someone you love them, helping someone in a cheerful attitude, a smile given unexpectedly - all these things cost us nothing except our effort, but they bring joy to others. All of these are more important than great wealth and riches.

A lifelong friend of mine died last week. We grew up together, and we both became Lutheran pastors. He was not quite 70 and had served the Lord with sincerity and faith, doing the best he could among the people where the Lord placed him. Praise God that He forgives us in Jesus and allows us whatever time we have on this earth, serving Him and sharing life with others while doing the best we can among the people where God has placed us.

May you, too, find joy today in "Laughter, the Lord and Little Things."

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