Monday, July 13, 2015


       After several decades of happy marriage, a man realized he had never shown his wife the old farm in another state where he grew up. So they planned a summer road trip that included a drive past the old place.
        During the trip he described to her the old house and barn as well as the garden his mother tended, the orchard and huge trees around the north and west sides of the farmstead. He also told her of the views of the surrounding farms, and the stream that flowed under a bridge through a corner of their land where he had often fished and swam.
        Imagine, then, the man's shock when they rounded a corner by the old home place and found everything was gone! The house, buildings, trees, garden and even the farmyard were nowhere in sight. In fact, over that entire place the new owners had planted a field of corn.
        Disheartened, the man drove to the old lane, now an just approach into the cornfield, and got out to look. Realizing his emotions his wife said, "Look, there's the stream and the bridge." Yes, they were still there, as well as a neighbor's farm and the open view to the north. He also saw a familiar clump of trees in the old pasture, now a field of soy beans. And to the west was the familiar grove of trees of another neighbor. "I still dream about this," he said, "the house, barn and windmill." The farmstead was gone, but the stream was still there, and the view around his home was still stunning.
        "In my dream I see the house and the barn and sometimes even hear my parents talking in the kitchen as she baked fresh bread." His wife listened patiently as the man described his happy youth, his godly parents and his family life there on a road past the old home of his memory.
        Disappointment can almost shatter our lives until we realize there is something greater than the memories of our youth. In Psalm 77, the writer speaks of a difficult time when he felt overwhelmed with memories. But in the midst of his emotions he shifted his focus and said, "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds." (Psalm 77:11-12)
        In dealing with disappointment, we can either focus on our loss or on God Himself. The Lord invites us to look to Him and see His eternal presence in our lives, a presence and love that encompasses all of life, including the days of youth and the joys of present life.

Remembering God's goodness helps keep our hope alive today.

Rev. Bob Tasler

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