Sunday, January 3, 2016


Dear Friends,
        HAPPY NEW YEAR! Time goes by quickly, doesn't it? Commentator Ben Stein writes with humor and common sense, making him interesting and worth reading. In a November, 2011, Newsmax article, Stein wrote, “Of all life’s mysteries, the most cruel and unyielding is that the moment, which seems to be permanent and fixed today, passes and is gone forever.” He concluded his comments, “The only thing I can do about it is to cherish the time I have left and appreciate it while I still have it.”
        “Tempus Fugit” - time flies. 1 Peter 1:24-25 says, “The grass withers, the flower falls,” and then gratefully adds, “but the Word of the Lord remains forever.” Some seem to delight in speculating publicly that each new year will be cataclysmic, that something will happen to change the course of human history.
        Maybe so in 2016, and maybe not. But if you trust in God for your life, then “No evil shall befall you, no scourge will come near your tent.”(Psalm 91:10, RSV) This doesn't mean we will avoid all evil, but trusting in the Lord we need not be crushed by what comes.
        We meet the new year best by renewing our trust in Jesus, rededicating ourselves to holding God's hand in faith, no matter what happens. He assured us “Whoever believes in Me has eternal life.”(John 6:47) We know not the future, but Jesus will be there when it comes.
Cherish and appreciate your fellow travelers on the road of life.
Rev. Bob Tasler

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