Monday, February 29, 2016


        It’s Leap Year today, another reason to wonder about the universe, including the slight wobble in the earth’s revolution around the sun that causes us to have an extra day on our calendars every four years. We needn’t worry about this since there’s nothing we can do to change it. People didn’t cause it.
        I wouldn’t be surprised, though, if there’s an article out there saying we did. There is the growing trend to warn us about dangers lurking everywhere, global warming, overpopulation, water shortage, racism, obesity, identity theft, illegal aliens, sexual predators, economic failure, energy shortages, transfats, etc., etc. And these are all our fault, they say.
        Hearing such topics every day would make a newcomer to our planet think life on earth is on the brink of extinction. But this is far from true. People of the world live better today than at any time in history.
        Life was not better in the days of the horse and buggy. There were far worse examples of war and genocide during the Middle Ages or even in the early 1900’s. Diseases decimated population as recently as 100 years ago, and wars destroyed cultures almost as fast as they arose.
        We have it far better today than we think. People have more time on their hands, presumably to tell us of gloom and doom. In any other age, we’d have been too busy chopping wood, working fifteen hour days, and applying home remedies just to stay alive. Today’s news travels fast. We know instantly what’s happening everywhere, so we’re prone to panic.
        Since mankind sinned in the Garden of Eden, people have always lived with potential danger. Note that none of those dangers listed above are about the spiritual or eternal, despite the face that unbelief does bring eternal death and destruction. But the soul that trusts Christ as Lord is not in eternal danger. Faith in Christ is the door to eternal life.
        Jesus once said, “Fear not those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28) Jesus came to dispel human fear, but some people seem to prefer creating and living in it.
        Rather than crying out in fear, today trust in Jesus and turn your fears over to Him. Let Him carry your burdens, whether real or imagined, and He will bring you safely through this abundant life unto your eternal home.

Smile and enjoy the day. It’s not nearly as bad as some people say.

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