Monday, March 14, 2016


        Jesus lived in a land of rocks and stones, so He used word pictures that remind us of this. He is the “cornerstone” for believers, but to unbelievers He is a “stumbling block.” He even re-named His disciple Simon “petra” to show he would become a rock of faith.
        My wife and I live our summers on the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. To the east is the arid, flat Colorado land of ranches and farms, and in the west are the mountains. Those of us living there, from Denver north to Ft. Collins, and south to Colorado Springs, are close to the mighty Rocky Mountains.
        Nearly every spring a few people driving in the mountains undergo the shattering experience of having pieces of a mountain fall on them. These large rocks have been dislodged by frost and fall on the roadway, sometimes smashing cars and injuring or even killing the occupants. Spring driving in the Rockies can be risky.
        When God offers us a place in His Kingdom by faith in Jesus Christ, we can do no better than accept His gracious gift. Refusing it is fatal. Jesus warns us in Matthew 21:44 that if we resist God’s grace, the Rock of Salvation will crush us. Strong words are necessary to warn people of imminent spiritual danger. Failing to heed God’s road signs leads us to destruction.
        Jesus died and rose again to give us a place in God’s eternal Kingdom. The alternative place is unthinkable, and unless we heed His warning we will miss God’s joy and end up in Satan’s domain. He is the true Rock of our salvation.
        Jesus Himself told us in Matthew 7:24, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 9:33, “Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.”
        Do you think people take Satan and hell seriously these days? Do they understand what it means to reject Jesus? Do you?

"Jesus is the Rock of my salvation, and His banner over me is love."

Rev. Bob Tasler

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