Monday, May 28, 2018


To live requires making choices. Every day we must choose what to wear, where to go, what to say, what to do, how to act and whom to trust. The biggest choice we face each day is in our relationship with God. Will we trust Him and follow His ways, or only our own?
During their lives, both Stephen Hawking and Clive Staples Lewis had the same choice we all have: Will I believe in God or deny He exists? Both Hawking and Lewis were born into Christian homes, and both rejected the notion of God in their youth. Hawking maintained his lifelong rejection of God, but Lewis did not.
Reading the Bible, Lewis realized Jesus could have been only one of three things: A Liar, a Lunatic, or the Lord. He said, You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon. Or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God.”
Lewis chose to believe Jesus was Lord. A blessing we all have from God is His personal encouragement to trust, given us by the Holy Spirit. Through Word and Sacrament, the Holy Spirit urges us to avoid rejecting Jesus and go His way through life choosing Him.
May we say as Peter boldly did when asked by Jesus what he believed, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16)

Lord, I want to believe. Help when I am not sure.

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